A total of 400 contributions had been submitted for consideration, of which the expert panel chose 290 papers and posters. BMA will present these three papers:
Date: Tuesday 6 December 2016; Time: 08:00; Leelawadee B Factory
Today’s production requirements –
how material selection and innovative design contribute to their fulfilment
Geyer, I; Lehnberger, A.; BMA Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt AG
Date: Wednesday 7 December 2016; Time: 08:30; B8 Factory
Further reduction of steam demand at modern cane sugar mills
Brahim, F. (1); Lehnberger, A.(1); Mallikarjun, S. S. (2); Nasim, R. (3); Shafqat Ali Shah, S. (4)
1 BMA Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt AG, Germany; engineering@bma-de.com
2 Indian Cane Power Ltd., India
3 JDW Sugar Mills Ltd., Pakistan
4 Matiari Sugar Mills Ltd., Pakistan
Date: Wednesday 7 December 2016; Time: 13:30; B8 Factory
Improved crystallisation in cane sugar mills with updated strategies and equipment
Lehnberger, A.(1); Laue, D.(1); Mallikarjun, S. S.(2); Mahesh, H. R. (2)
1 BMA Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt AG
2 Indian Cane Power Ltd., Mudhol, India
The BMA conference team look forward to welcoming you at our exhibition stand B15. We will be delighted to tell you all about exciting trends and the latest developments in the BMA product portfolio. So it's definitely worth a visit!